Engeyum Kaadhal is an upcoming Tamil film directed by Prabhu Deva that stars Jayam Ravi and Hansika Motwani, in her first Tamil film, in the lead. Featuring music by Harris Jayaraj, it is produced by Kalpathi S. Agoram.
Cast : Jeyam Ravi, Hansika Motwani.
Music Director : Harris Jayaraj
Director : Prabhu Deva
Producer : Kalpathy S Agoram
Jeyam Ravi-Hansika Motwani starrer ‘Engeyum Kadhal’ Film is directed by Prabhu Deva and is produced by Kalpathy S Agoram under the banner of AGS Entertainments.
The film’s shooting has been completed within short span of time, around 50 days. Major portions of the film have been shot across various parts of the globe that includes Paris, London and other locales.
Harris Jayaraj has scored music for the film and this is the second time Harris and Jayam Ravi are coming together.
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