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Ramzan SMS
1) Wishing you and your family the blessings of Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak!!
2) He is the one GOD;the Creater, the Initiate, the Designer. To Him belong the most beautiful names.. He is the Almighty, Most Wise.
3) duniya ko duniyai mubbrak pyar ko gehrai mubbrak dushmano ko maf kya kuon k agaya RAMZAN MUBBRAk
4) Ramazan Mubarak Ho! Roza 10 Shaban, 2 Hijri Ko Farz Hua Rozay Ki Farziat Ka Hukm Sorah Baqarah, Ayat 183,184 Me Hua. Shama-E-Hidayt...

5)Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words E - Embrace wit open heart I - Inspire wit impressive attitude D - Distribute pleasure to all.
6) Shaban mubarak,eid mubarak,
ramadan mubarak,May you remain happy all the time!
7)Alahs Apostle usd 2
practice aitakaf in
last 10 days of
holy mon of Ramadan,
May Alah removs al hurdles
n mak easy 2 folw our prophet.
8) 1 Month of Ramzan..4 WeEks of BaRkat..30 Dayz Of Forgiveness..720 Hours Of Guidance..43200 Minutes Of Purification..Happy Ramzan..
Wishing you and your family Happy Ramadan !!!
Ramadan Mubarak!!
Ramadan Mubarak!!
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